Thursday, February 01, 2007

More thoughts on Passion

As I think about the whole idea of having a passion in life, it continues to astound me how easily we are distracted by our other "passions". Whether they are for work or play, though they may be good things to do, they still must be subordinate to our first passion, or love, for Christ. It may be that we have these good passions because we love Christ, but they must not become more important than Him, or they will cease to be good and instead become idols. The fine line every person must learn to define is when a passion becomes an idol.
Good questions to ask are, "Does this passion of mine draw me closer to Christ or farther from Him?" "Does this passion cause me to think about myself or it more, and Christ less?" "Is my life, thoughts, time and energy directed towards this passion more than Christ?" Passions can very easily turn into idols, especially under the disguise of being "spiritual" passions. May we be discerning in evaluating our loves and likes, and learn to focus on our true passion - Christ.

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